Chicken Mommas Know Better than People Mommas.
As announced last week or so seven baby chicks hatched on Monday/Tuesday July 10th-11th.
Okay, so here is how this went. Thursday I come home from work about 6:00pm and it is drizzling. Momma is out in the run with her brood! Too early for the flock to go to bed, and momma is hunkered down under one of the old wooden chairs in the run … she’s damp, babies are under her high and dry. But they are so little they could be too small to make it back into the coop when it is darker and they might freeze … even with momma covering them, they’d be on the cold damp ground! In a panic, I gather mother and toss her in the coop, terrified babies scatter in all directions!
As announced last week or so seven baby chicks hatched on Monday/Tuesday July 10th-11th.
Okay, so here is how this went. Thursday I come home from work about 6:00pm and it is drizzling. Momma is out in the run with her brood! Too early for the flock to go to bed, and momma is hunkered down under one of the old wooden chairs in the run … she’s damp, babies are under her high and dry. But they are so little they could be too small to make it back into the coop when it is darker and they might freeze … even with momma covering them, they’d be on the cold damp ground! In a panic, I gather mother and toss her in the coop, terrified babies scatter in all directions!
I go on the great baby chick round up, and let me tell you,
not only are two day old chicks much, much faster than you’d imagine, but
somehow they possess a magic reality altering quality that allows seven chicks
to run in fourteen different directions at once! Meanwhile, most of the flock
was still in the run with me and as I was chasing around loudly peeping chicks,
the other girls were now frightened as well. It was total chaos.
Every lap I ran around that coop after the babies took them
and me past Coq Au. Normally, I would be on guard against his usual onslaughts,
but today I had scared, cold babies to think of. For his part, rather than
attack, he stood quizzically still each time I ran past chasing his sons and
daughters. Every time he would glare at me with understand frustration and say
“Can you PLEASE do something with these yowling brats!” Eventually, they were
rounded up and returned to their nervous mother in good condition.
Friday came with a forecast of rain, and rather than leave
it all to chance while at work, I let the flock out of the coop and into the
run and closed the peep door to keep momma and babies in.
Came home Friday, rains had past, I opened the peep door and
several hens barreled over each other to get into the laying boxes, momma and
brood safe and sound.
Saturday, hot, bright, and sunny, and momma emerged early
with the flock. Babies spent the day happily hanging out in the run with the
big girls. Normally I would let the flock out into the yard, but I didn’t want
momma and babies out yet and I didn’t want the flock not to have access to the
coop, so everyone spent the day in the yard. Right away momma started teaching
the wee ones about scratching and I distributed sort treats of bananas and
yogurt for all. I also spread around grit in the appropriate size in the run.
Might be a day or two early, but momma would teach them what they need and
Come that night, it was as I had feared. The entire flock when
to bed, and momma settled down under the coop with the babies. The chase was on
again, but after collecting them all one by one, in they all went.
Sunday and Monday brought the same circumstances, and each
time I emerged from the run in the late evening winded and sweat soaked, but
secure in the knowledge that babies were safe!
On Tuesday there came a change. Momma went in, ONE baby
followed. The rest stayed out screaming for momma’s warmth, but for the sake of
her one smart baby, she nestled in and left the task of collecting the strays
to me. My long suffering wife greatly assisted me in rounding up the six
wayward children and I delighted as I placed the last baby at the peepdoorway
and peered into the gathering darkness of the coop to spy her waddling off to
her mother. Wednesday saw three chicks go in all by themselves with momma and
my nightly chase was growing easier.
Thursday had me concerned, with my wife working late, I’d
have to go back to rounding up strays by myself. At the appropriate time, I
went out and saw only Hortense and one screaming baby left outside. I sat
patiently waiting for Hortense to go in so I could gather the one chick in
peace, but fates smiled upon me. During my wait, I spied the peeping wee baby
ascend the ramp all by herself and put herself to bed just like a big girl!
I’ve been checking each night as per usual, but I am now
secure that the babies are just big enough to understand and make their way to
a safe warm nest in the evenings. Of course, I suspect momma knew this all
Saturday the 22nd came and I let the whole flock
out of the run into the yard. Momma slowly emerged with babies in tow and
immediately set about the task of teaching them how to forage in the shaggy
grass. I made sure to toss chick feed and treats in their general direction to
ensure they would find success! For the time that they were out, she kept them
away from the flock so she could keep a close eye on them, and I am sure the
flock was relieved to get a little peace and quiet away from the nursery.
Here is momma under the safety of the mulberry tree with the
Here is Coq Au with the flock glaring at me as usual.
Here is the flock relaxing in the shade like the lazy beasts
that they are.
Momma may be done with the hatch, but her work is far from
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