Sunday, December 24, 2017

Twas the Dawn Before Christmas

T’was the dawn before Christmas and all through the coop
The chickens were stirring through the new fallen poop
The heat lamp was glowing all warm and all red
The meal worms were present all scattered and spread

The feeder was filled, overflowing with feed
The flock block well placed with suet and seed
Ms. Rabbit was off sleeping, ‘not my cat’, he was home
I was looking for peace with some new purchased tome

Then from the run there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter
As my book had gone flying I snatched up my jacket
“This better be serious to cause such a racket!”

The sun was still breaking across the wet yard
All mired with mud from when it rained hard
And what to my wondering eyes should appear
Old Mr. Hawk with a most evil sneer

He perched on the run’s roof stately scratching an itch
“You clear the hell off, you son of a bitch”
Coq Au Vin, he ran wild with a growl and a squawk
Desperate to leap up and kill the foul hawk

Most of the flock went inside to hide
But Hermione stood by Coq Au, beaming with pride
Hortense could care less, outside she would stay
Knowing the run’s wire was in the hawk’s way

I tossed a small stone towards the dark foe
My throw had went wide but it was just for show
Coq Au leapt higher, his eyes filled with hate
The hawk bothered not with the rooster’s ired state.

The hawk stuck to his perch, his time he would bide
After another tossed stone, he spread his wings wide.
Slowly and stately he took to the air
thwarted again from a good meal’s fare

Coq Au calmed down as the hawk had took wing
Then there happened a magical thing
To check on the flock, I went into the run
Expecting from Coq Au a new fight begun

He said not a word but just bowed his head
Knowing without me they might all be dead
“Sir, the honor is yours.” I said with a beam
“For fighting off hawks we make quite the team”

Frayed nerves were now calm after a great fright
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!