Friday, June 16, 2017

Ungrateful Sin of a Bitch!

Ungrateful Son of a Bitch!

Just got home from work, brought some dinner out to the chickens, and Coq Au came after me (not so unusual).

I gave him a glancing kick and he retreated under the coop. Fine!

While I was checking for eggs in the nesting boxes, that son of a bitch emerged from underneath launching a sneak attack.

He connected with me good, so I let loose a volley of kicks and sent him reeling around the chicken run. He seemed satisfied that he had his ass kicked enough and retreated. I gathered the eggs and eyeballed him long enough to see he wasn't injured and stormed out.

Here's a spot of blood on my jeans.

I thought "It better be that bastard's blood!"
Lifted up my jeans, he didn't break through the jeans ... but here is the wee gash on my leg (after washing the trickle of blood and applying a spot of iodine).
Next time he wants a go around, it is ON!!!


  1. turn about is fair play.. that thar rooster would make a nice gallon or two of broth

  2. C'mon now ... you know full well just from this blog that I can't cull him! :)
