Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Last Free Meal

The other day the wind was pretty strong.

I heard the sound of some random junk on the potting table fall off onto the porch and chalked it off to the wind. Had a quick look and not only had the old coffee tub filled with cracked corn and meal worms fall off the table, but had uncapped itself. Thank goodness it hadn't spilled! I snapped the cap back on and put it back on the potting table, shielded somewhat from the high winds behind some heavier junk on the potting table.

A bit later and the same sound occurred. Same situation. "Huh ... isn't that a hell of a thing." I mused as I put it back up.

A little while later I prepared warm treats for the flock and as I stepped out, there was that can on the ground again with its lid off ... only THIS time I spied a squirrel fleeing the scene of the crime! Well, okay buster, you got some free cracked corn. No doubt with the frigid temps, you needed it! But, convenience be damned, the chicken treat tub will now have to live inside.

In other news, even with the heat lamp humming away inside the coop, but with the near zero temps the water font was still freezing over. Well, the heated font is now hooked up and all is well.

Yesterday brought another round of icy temps and a blanket of snow. With the snow still falling at a goodly pace, Not My Cat turned up. "What kind of people let their cat out in THIS weather!"

Never the less, I took pity on the friendly neighbor cat and made sure he got fed as well.

Today, although it breaks my heart, the flock is not even out in the run. They are confined in the coop. With temps around 10 degrees and the wind up I want them safe! I know they can handle it, but I am just not prepared for a loss to the cold.

Coq Au is probably mad as hell, but I'd rather have a mad chicken than a dead chicken.

Well, we'll be ringing in the new years quietly and dreaming of the warmer days to come!

Happy New Year!

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