Today is coop cleaning day and finally some great weather for it! I'm currently gathering my strength for a good shovel-out of the summer straw and getting the place winterized. Will be a good day out scratching around the yard for the flock and both of these things are badly needed.
I'm sure by now, I described the task in excruciating detail, so I won't go into it again, but it will be a messy job.
In other news, there is a new kid in town. If my ears are still as sharp as ever, I'd say that one street over is a young rooster who has just come into his maturity making his presence known. His crow is a little higher pitched, so either he has just started, or is possibly a bantam. Perhaps both.
Coq Au will crow through out the day, and much to my neighbors' "delight" will sometimes issue a crow or two at four A.M. for no particular reason, and this has the effect of causing the 'Johnny-come-lately' a block over to sound his replies. I am not sure which neighbor over there is keeping chickens, but I am sure the rest of the neighborhood is thoroughly thrilled with the additional sounds.
In other news, the egg embargo is in full swing. Zero eggs. They've shut down in the fall before for an extended time, but it is still always disconcerting and I may even have to buy some eggs. Oh the shame! The absolute shame!
As for individuals, I went into the run yesterday to change the water. We've had a lot of rain lately, so the run was a bit muddy. I spread the scratch around and the flock gathered to greedily pick at their favorite morsels except for Hortense. She kept close to me and wondered if I would let her slip through the gate for some 'me time' that she so loves, but I was disinclined to do so. I feared that she might even miss out on the treats that the others were enjoying, but with all of the rain, a great congregation of worms had collected underneath their water font, so when I lifted it to give it a cleaning and refill, Hortense was the sole benefactor of a private feast!
Not My Cat still comes by from time to time but always seems more interested in garnering a free meal rather than the quest to soil the reputation of our 'daughter' Osha.
Well, that's the exciting life of enjoying simplicity. No 'high drama' to report and that suits me fibe!
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