Sunday, January 7, 2018

Sorry State of Affairs.

In the gathering dawn this morning, I prepared hot breakfast for the flock as usual. The morning temps that greeted me were negative four degrees Fahrenheit.

I delivered their hot breakfast, but see that in their frustrating confinement, they have knocked over the feed. I’ll have to get in there later today to sort that out and give their font a change of water.

They’ve been locked up in that coop for three days straight and they need space, sunshine, and fresh air.

Today will have to be the day, but only when the temps climb above zero at least! I am holding out for 11:00 am or ten degrees, whatever comes first.

No wind today and brilliant sunshine, so I reckon they will cope with the cold temperature just fine for a chance to stretch their legs and wings a bit. This will be a good chance for me to lay down some fresh bedding while I am at it!

Warmer tomorrow and later in the week we are expecting a welcome break from the cold with temperatures climbing into the high forties! Practically balmy by the current standards!

Hopefully, the days-long warmer temps will also get rid of this old snow and the land can have a bit of a break as well.

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