Sunday, July 8, 2018

Broccoli or Blueberries

Sometimes my flock acts like they're four years old.

(in chicken years).

Sometimes they act like they're four years old.

(in people years).

Yesterday the weather was absolutely gorgeous. I let the flock out into the yard and tossed some nice broccoli heads into a shady spot for them to enjoy. Upon spying me toss something over, the entire flock hurried en masse to the spot to check out the fine treats I had given out. Traveling in great haste, they were practically stumbling over one another. Then they skidded to a stop. They looked at the broccoli, then they looked at me. Then they looked at the broccoli again, and then at me.

"What the heck is this?" Myrtle cried.

"Nope, I can't like it." Stated Lily with an unusually sardonic tone.

"Fine," I said. "Go forage your own treats!" And left them to do just that.

I puttered around the house while they visited their favorite haunts around the property. As per usual, I would step out, or peer out a window to make sure they weren't getting into trouble.

Eventually, they fund some nice blueberries. Trouble was, they were attached to my neighbor's blueberry bush!


With a flash, I was outside, rake in hand, and herding the flock back into their run. Two hours of outside time. Would've liked them to have been out longer, but now I have to explain to my neighbors what happened to their blueberries.

No matter, they're patient people and often come to my yard to collect mulberries. I think they'll be okay.

To his credit, what caused me to check outside at that particular moment was Coq Au's crowing. I think he was trying to alert me. He has a lot of sway and control over the doings of the flock, but once blueberries are involved, he needs upper management to sort it out.

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